Thursday, September 15, 2011

an invitation to trust

Want to hear how crazy awesome my God is?

I'm going to give you a bit of a timeline just so you understand the awesome-ness :)

September 10, 2011: 
Journal quote: "I've put in my application for YWAM, Kona. I truly believe it is what you've called me to do for this season. I'm truly putting my faith and trust in you to line-up the rest. Not that there is much else I can do."
"... I ask for your blessing with my finances in preparation to go. I believe you are wanting me to be supported in going so make it clear to me how your wanting me to walk in that expectation."September 12, 2011:
Journal quote: "It cannot have been long ago (as in, the past 3 days sometime) that I prayed you would give me financial blessing, and to let me know if I'm to seek help & support for Kona. Weel, today I got an email from *name* saying that the price for DTS Engage has been reduced by $215.00!"
September 15, 2011:

Discussion with my Father:
He was asking me more about YWAM and I told him about the cost reduction and how it would help me because in can go towards my flight into Hawaii. 
Then he said that he would like to pay for my flight if he has the Airmiles for it... that's a good $1500.00 that he's going to be helping me with (God willing he has the points.. plus a bit)!
Email quote: "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the Engage DTS for the 1st Quarter starting January 5th, 2012."

And that's that. Within the space of 5 days, I've applied, been given financial blessing twice! and I have BEEN ACCEPTED!
Its official y'all. I am going to  YWAM Kona, Hawaii's Engage:Discipleship Training School in just four short months! 
I'm not sure anyone could understand just how excited I am, but you may be able to imagine :)

I will most definitely be keeping you up to date on the whole process. Prayers are most definitely appreciated, and I'm hoping to set up a way that people can help to support me if they wish!

Nice chatting with you,


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